Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

I got up today and checked out my local news sites. I discovered some pretty cool stuff. One was a video showing an upcoming expansion download for Wii's Smash Brothers Brawl that adds blood and gore. Another one claimed that a full copy of the new Wolverine movie was available online. Sam Raimi revealed a pretty cool storyline for Spider-Man 4 and an interview with Michael Caine (which I admit was pretty suspicious) revealed new information about the next Batman movie. My excitement was of course crushed when I remembered what day it was. I vote changing the name to April Disappointment Day. Anyway, I'm going to lay off the news for awhile until the world goes back to being honest. To be fair, the Smash Brothers Hardcore was pretty well done. They filmed it off screen and set it up to look like a classic Nintendo press reveal.

Happy April Disappointment Day!

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