Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One Time Offer

New Team Members!!!
Some of you may have noticed that we have a new member on the Lies and Gasoline team. I would like to personally welcome Smokey McSmoke-Smoke to the blog and I pray that his contributions can live up to the impossibly high standards already set by our administrator, Professor Puff.

If anyone else is interested in becoming a contributing editor, please contact administration with an idea for a new segment or story that fits somewhere within the very general theme of the blog. Or if you just want to disagree with the L&G staff that is okay too.
Professor P


  1. To Mr. Smokey McSmoke-Smoke, don't hold back. Let loose the verbal rants. Awaiting your next words of infinite wisdom.

  2. Hey James,

    I would be interested in contributing to your blog if your willing to have me.

    Since, I'll be working in the Hollywood North film/tv industry this summer , perhaps I can write a few articles about what's going on up here.

    I got a couple of more ideas as well.

    You say to contact you specifically about joining. How do I go about that? Email?
