Sunday, May 31, 2009

Go See Drag Me to Hell!!!

This is why they don't make good horror movies anymore: no one goes to see them. It's been 2 months since the last horror movie and the best Drag Me to Hell can do this last weekend is $16 million? Come on! It has an A-level director with a strong foundation in the horror genre, hip, young stars, humor, a PG-13 rating so the whole family can go, and the strongest reviews of any horror movie in years. Regardless of what I thought about it, Drag Me to Hell is currently sitting at 95% positive on the review aggregate Rotten Tomatoes. The Unborn, A Haunting in Connecticut, the Friday the 13th remake, for God's sake, made more money than Drag Me to Hell on their openning weekends, and all were universally panned.

Now I realize only 3 people read this blog, but I know that those three people can each tell three more people to see this great freakin' horror movie.

I guess I can understand the state of things these days: look no further than the MTV Movie Awards which aired last night. Twilight won every award it was nominated for, not surprising since the awards in this show are voted for by the MTV public and this is the type of crap that the largest movie-going demographic wants to see. Twilight's director walked away from the sequel because she was fed up with the studio wanting to rush out another mindless product instead of taking some time to develop a higher level of quality. No care is put into these movies, they are designed to take advantage of the young and ignorant who will hand over the dough simply because the media tells them its cool. We should demand a higher standard and support all efforts made to release something creative into our theaters, not some lame-ass star-vehicle written by a five-year old. We deserve better.

Also, just saw Up. Best movie I have seen so far this year. Expect a review soon from Smokey.

Professor P


  1. Well I've told 2 peopel about Drag Me to Hell and I haven't even seen the movie yet.

  2. I haven't even seen two people, I only talk to you guys...
